Distributed Systems Lab
Distributed Systems Lab
Latest News
Mr. Shiozaki presented his research results at SWoPP 2023
Mr. Shiozaki presented his research results at SWoPP 2023 held at Hakodate Arena on August 2-4, 2023.
Aug 11, 2023
The application "Lightweight machine learning-based NIDS utilizing cloud service offloading" was accepted to the 35th grant research by Toukai Foundation for Technology
The research application “Lightweight machine learning-based NIDS utilizing cloud service offloading” was accepted to the 35th grant research by Toukai Foundation for Technology, and Prof. Nakamura attended the grant ceremony held on April 25, 2023.
May 3, 2023
Mr. Tada, Mr. Okawa, Mr. Kurihara, and Mr. Takebayashi have joined in our laboratory
One master student, Mr. Tada, and Three undergraduate students, Mr. Okawa, Mr. Kurihara, and Mr. Takebayashi, have joined in our laboratory.
Apr 4, 2023
Mr. Shiozaki and Ms. Kajiura presented their research results at the 85th IPSJ national convention
Mr. Shiozaki and Ms. Kajiura presented the results of their graduation research at the 85th IPSJ National Convention held at the University of Electro-Communications on March 2-4, 2023.
Mar 11, 2023
The application was accepted to Toyohashi University of Technology Young PI Development Program 2022
The research application “Evaluation and improvement focusing on the utility of machine learning-based NIDS” was accepted to Toyohashi University of Technology Young PI Development Program 2022.
Jan 26, 2023
Mr. Shiozaki and Ms. Kajiura gave their graduation research presentaions
On December 22, 2022, the graduation research presentation of Department of Computer Science and Engineering was held. Mr. Shiozaki and Ms. Kajiura from the distributed systems laboratory gave presentations on the following themes.
Dec 24, 2022
Our new paper regarding gathering of mobile agents was received Best Paper Award at PDAA 2022
Our new paper was accepted to
PDAA 2022
and received Best Paper Award. This is the joint work with Mr. Jion Hirose and Prof. Michiko Inoue of Nara Institute of Science and Technology, and Prof. Fukuhito Ooshita of Fukui University of Technology.
Nov 24, 2022
Our new paper considering a state transfer method for geographic SMR was accepted to CCPE
In State Machine Replication composed of geographically distributed replicas, the network environment such as communication bandwidth and communication delay is constantly changing. Our new paper that proposes a new state transfer method for such environmental changes was accepted to Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience.
Oct 23, 2022
Prof. Nakamura gave a security seminar at Tahara City Chamber of Commerce
Prof. Nakamura gave a lecture at the seminar “Cyber Risks for SME Managers” hosted by Tahara City Chamber of Commerce.
Aug 30, 2022
Prof. Nakamura appeared on the university PR program "Tempaku no Shiro Gikadai"
Prof. Nakamura appeared on the public relation program of Toyohashi University of Technology “Tenpaku no Shiro Gikadai” on August 27th, which is broadcast every Saturday on FM Toyohashi.
Aug 27, 2022