Mr. Kurihara and Mr. Takebayashi presented their research results at the 86th IPSJ national convention

At the 86th National Convention of Information Processing Society of Japan held at Kanagawa University on March 15-17, 2024, Mr. Kurihara and Mr. Takabeyashi presented their graduation research results.

Mr. Kurihara presented “Deployment of ML-based NIDS with offloading to cloud services” in which he explained how to offload the high-load classification processing of a network-based intrusion detection system using machine learning to a cloud service.

Mr. Takebayashi gave a presentation titled “Analysis of the Impact of Communication Delay Variation on Geographical SMR”. In his presentation, he discussed the impact of communication delay fluctuations between replicas on the performance of a replication technology called Geographical State Machine Replication, which enables services that are resistant to large-scale disasters.

Junya Nakamura
Junya Nakamura
Associate Professor

Principal Investigator of this laboratory.